

很感謝, MARY的家人終於來訊息,


看到內容, 我真的心情很激動, 我相信, MARY會更好的....


Mary in USA(1008).JPG 


(橘黃色的胸背帶, 跟MARY很搭齁~~~哈哈)






Thank you so much for your kind and loving note about Mary. I will send a photo in an email right after I send this to you.


She arrived at about 9:00 in the evening on Tuesday. My sisters and mother came with me to the airport, and we took her straight home. She hadn’t peed once in her crate, so it was the first thing she did when I let her out. Then I fed her a little bit of chicken and rice.


She is still on Taiwan time, so she is very awake and active at night. But she is adjusting slowly. We have been going on walks, and she is very good except that she seems to be afraid and sometimes stops at street corners and in intersections. I have two cats (I will send a photo of them also, their names are Nico and Iggy) and she is very timid around them, and they are timid around her, though the cats have started getting about 2 feet away and meowing quietly toward her. I think they are trying to say hello.


At first she seemed very overwhelmed and sad, but we have been patient and kind and now she is starting to wag her tail more and trot around the house. She has a favorite room and a dog bed, and also likes to look out the windows. I took her to the vet today and she was so good in the car! She jumped up into it, and then jumped out when it was time to leave. The vet said she is very healthy and a wonderful dog. When she gets used to life here a little more we’re going to meet with a dog trainer so he can help my husband Joel and I communicate with Mary and be good people to her. The trainer worked with my aunt and her dog, who was also a shy dog. The trainer helped my aunt find ways to make her dog comfortable and confident, and I would like to help Mary in the same way. She is such a wonderful, sweet girl and I want to give her a good life.


Thank you so much for loving her and for making her such a good girl. I can tell she misses you.


If it’s okay with you, I will write again and send more pictures in a while.



 Mary's new family (1008) Cat.JPG

 (MARY的新家人, 2隻喵 NICO & IGGY)






MARY有今天, 除了她自己本身乖巧之外, 還有這些好朋友貴人相助,






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